Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Characteristic Test

Lets do this test together..saw this on S-POP.
Imagine you are going into a jungle, Whats the first animal you expect to see? Walking further on, you saw a second animal, what animal is this? Before heading out of the forest, you turn back and caught a glimpse of a last animal, what is it?
My choice was Elephant,Lion and Pig.
and what it meant...
Based on the animal's character
1st animal - What you think you are urself
2nd animal - What others think you are
Last animal - What you are actually
...Goodness,I'm a pig in disguise...whahahz....

Aska Yang...

Amazing performer and recently catching up with A Million Stars, that taiwan variety show...never seen a show with so many guys crying before!
Here are some of the favourites...

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I have a bad case of diarrhea!

What a funny way to learn this sentence...

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